

Discover how Primus Software Services can help your enterprise turn digital challenges into business success.

Our Services Framework provides our customers with the ability to leverage a wide range of expertise. We collaborate, innovate, and drive success to enable Digital Transformation across the enterprise.

We’re better together,


Bringing our collective knowledge and experiences together,


Corporate commitment to drive measured success.

Corporate commitment to drive measured success.

Our Services Framework brings together multiple areas of experience and skillsets to design and build solutions to address our clients’ needs. We work together with our clients to look at a problem or opportunity from multiple angles, gain deeper perspective, and find optimal solutions.

Our consulting practice draws upon all the pillars of our framework to give our customers an edge in the competitive landscape. We can help our clients define the problem set, build a quick prototype, and help them visualize a solution. Our teams design and build high-quality, secure, performant software applications utilizing secure software development and testing practices. Our offshore teams together with our agile development processes help us deliver cost-effective solutions quickly, consistently, and within budget.

If you need to access new markets, offer new areas of products and services, or automate existing business processes to improve productivity and efficiency, you have come to the right place!

Primus Software Development Practices

At Primus, security isn’t just a practice—it's our commitment. We adhere to the highest industry standards and go above and beyond to ensure your software is fortified against potential threats.

OWASP 10 Adherence: Shielding Your Software at Every Step

Our development processes strictly adhere to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10 guidelines, providing a robust framework to identify and mitigate the most critical web application security risks.

Vulnerability and Penetration Testing: Proactive Defense

We conduct vulnerability and penetration tests to proactively identify and address potential weaknesses in the software that we develop.

Code Review: Stringent Quality Assurance

Every line of code is subject to stringent review processes, guaranteeing the highest quality and security standards. This meticulous approach is fundamental in safeguarding against vulnerabilities and ensuring a resilient codebase. By employing diverse testing methodologies, we ensure that your software functions seamlessly while upholding the highest security measures.

Continuous Security Training: Empowering Our Team, Securing Your Software

We invest in continuous security training for our development team, empowering them with the latest security practices. This ensures that our team remains at the vanguard of security measures, implementing the most robust protection in every project.

At Primus, security is woven into the very fabric of our development process. We are ISO27001 certified and assessed for SOC 2 Type 2 compliance. We don't just build software; we fortify it against potential threats, ensuring a foundation of trust, reliability, and unmatched security for your applications.

Partner with us to safeguard your software—where excellence meets security.

Partners & Accreditations

The Primus partner ecosystem is well established and growing, helping us provide
business solutions that solve clients' business and technology problems.

Microsoft Partner Network

 Microsoft Partner Network

Snowflake Services Partner

Snowflake Services Partner

Amazon Web Services

 Amazon Web Services

SilkFlo Partner

SilkFlo Partner


What our
have to say!!

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Are you ready to turn your digital challenges into business success?

If yes, connect with us to explore the possibilities and take your business to the next level.